??公司簡介 阿必達是美國一家擁有冷成型技術的大冷成型產品生產商之一。我們專業生產冷擠壓和冷鍛造非標形狀零件,此加工技術比傳統的螺紋車削加工、熱鍛造和鑄造工藝更經濟有效;我們之所以能夠擁有這項先進的加工技術是源于我們掌握了在冶金、結構及機械工程方面的精湛知識。阿必達的產品和工程專業知識為**各個行業提供創新并有效的制造解決方案。例如,我們在交通運輸設備行業的服務,從其產品開發階段就開始介入。如今,阿必達冷成型緊固件已用于數以千萬輛轎車和卡車的上百個關鍵部件上;我們不斷成長為汽車和汽車售后市場行業客戶的重要伙伴。阿必達自1845年以來一直走在創新設計的前列,為無數主機廠和他們的供應商提供了節約成本的方案。作為一家在世界范圍內具有競爭力的公司,我們認識到必須堅持質量標準才能成功。我們各級努力為客戶提供緊固件和冷成型件的專業解決方案。我們追求:先進的生產力、創新的工程技術、和以服務為導向的營銷和及時響應的客服。阿必達在緊固件和金屬成型件上為你提供高質量、優質服務和先進技術的解決方案。Company Profile RB&W Corporation is a leader in cold-forming technologyand is one of the largest producers of cold-formed parts in the U.S. Thissuperior process is a viable, cost-effective alternative to screw machining,hot forging and casting. Our ability to successfully cold-form standard andunusual part shapes is derived from our expertise in metallurgical, structuraland mechanical engineering. RB&W Corporation’s industrial products andengineering expertise have provided a variety of industries worldwide withinnovative and effective manufacturing solutions. For example, our company hasserved the needs of the transportation industry since its embryonic stage. Today,RB&W Corporation cold-formed and manufactured fastener products are foundon millions of cars and trucks in hundreds of critical applications. Wecontinue to grow as an important source for customers in the automotive andautomotive aftermarket industries. RB&W has been at the forefront ofproviding creatively engineered, cost-saving solutions for countless OEMs andtheir sub-suppliers since 1845. As a company competing on a worldwide level, wehave recognized and upheld the quality standards that are required for success.Dedicated professionals provide fastening and cold-forming solutions at everylevel of our organization. We strive for excellence in productivity,engineering, marketing and timely customer service. RB&W provides solutionsin fastening and metal forming through quality, service and technology.