上海統一星巴克咖啡有限公司成立于1999年,在上海、江蘇省和浙江省開設經營星巴克門店。公司一直堅持對卓越質量和服務的承諾,遵循我們的指導原則,通過每一杯優質的咖啡為我們的顧客每天營造獨特的“星巴克體驗”。進入江浙滬市場以來,星巴克以其手工調制的意式咖啡,以及優雅、人性化的空間環境,搏得了廣大中國消費者的青睞,并且充分融入了中國人的日常生活中,已經成了家和辦公室以外名副其實的“第三生活空間”。Established in 1999, President Starbucks Coffee Shanghai CO.,LTD opened and operated Starbucks Coffee stores in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The company aims to bring our customers the unique “Starbucks Experience” through every cup of quality coffee and good service. Starbucks has been popular with customers for its hand-made coffee drinks and amiable environment. It has been well-integrated into daily life of Chinese customers, and it has become the perfect “third place” except from home and office.