是一家專業從事汽車配件、鎖具配件和高檔鐵制家具及文教用品的生產企業。We are a manufacturer which is specializingin auto parts, lock fittings and high-grade iron furniture and stationery.公司創建于2003年,是上海市私營企業協會會員之一。總部設于上海市青浦區,生產基地設于江蘇昆山市淀山湖鎮雙和路108號,全廠占地面積10000余平方米。It was founded in 2003, the company is amember of the Shanghai private enterprise association. The Headquarter is inthe Qingpu district of Shanghai, the production base is located in the town ofDianshan Lake, Kunshan city, Jiangsu province, with a total area of over 10,000square meters.