L&Srecruitment is founded by a group of seasoned recruitment experts with anobjective to be a leading and selective recruitment firm with specialized approach, and aim to be a total humanresources solution provider.We are confidentthat our client-centric approach and model with in-depth market intelligencewill enable us to deliver quality service with speed, and become yourtrust-worthy recruitment partner.All the key teammembers of L&S have average more than 10 years recruitment experience inMNC recruitment firms, with strong track record in mid to senior levelplacements. We are particularly strong in consumer, retail, real estate and healthcareindustry. Functionally speaking, we are strong in General Management, Sales&Marketing, Supply Chain and Human Resources, etc. We are also steadilyexpanding and incorporating more practices and business lines by inviting morerecruiting experts in the industry to join our team. We are confident that wecan be your trusted recruitment partner through providing our value-addedservice, insightful market intelligence and key account approach to our valuedclients.