廣州萊可福生物科技有限公司是一家集功能性食品研發、生產和貿易服務于一體的專業化公司。公司主營業務為:國內ODM業務、海外ODM業務和原料貿易業務。Guangzhou Likefood Biological Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional company Committed to R&D, production and trade of functional food. The main business consists of domestic ODM business, overseas ODM business and raw material trade.? ? ? ?國內ODM業務方面,公司自建有生產車間面積達5000平米、完全符合GMP標準的潔凈化工廠。擁有口服液、片劑、粉劑、顆粒劑、膠囊劑和茶劑等六個劑型的保健品加工資質,擁有固體飲料、壓片糖果、方便食品、特殊醫用營養食品、其他飲料、果蔬飲料、咖啡飲料等食品生產加工資質。通過了ISO、HACCP等質量認證,并通過了廣藥集團供應商資質審核、豐華分裝商資質審核等多項知名企業的資質審查。With regard to omestic ODM business, Likefood possess a dust proof plant with workshop area of 5000 square meters, fully comply with the GMP standard. With processing qualification of health care products as oral liquid, tablet, powder, granules, capsules and tea, ?and production qualification of solid beverage, tablet candy, convenient food, special medical nutrition food, other beverages, fruit and vegetable drinks, coffee drinks. The company has passed the ISO, HACCP quality certification, as well as qualification examination for supplier of the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group Limited, and packaging business of Taiwan Fenghua Biological Polytron Technologies Inc.? ? ? ?公司在香港建有中成藥和健康食品生產基地,擁有中成藥和健康食品加工資質和進出口資質。貿易渠道遍及港、澳、臺、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、越南、泰國、新西蘭和澳大利亞等國家和地區。公司在和澳大利亞擁有長期穩定的戰略合作伙伴,擁有和澳大利亞產品定制的服務能力,能夠滿足客戶擁有個性化產品、國際化品牌的需求。A production base for proprietary Chinese Medicine and healthy food was established in Hongkong, with processing quality and import & export qualification. The trade channel covers Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand and Australia. We have long-term stable strategic partners in Taiwan and Australia, with the ability of customizing the production and service, to meet the needs of customers with personalized products and international brand.? ? ? ?公司與眾多國際知名企業和科研機構形成了穩固的合作關系,匯聚了的智囊團隊,擁有多款國際原料的代理權,具有豐富進出口服務經驗,是功能性食品領域的專業運營服務商。By forming a solid partnership with many international well-known enterprises and research institutions, bringing the top think tank togethe, Likefood has been a professional operators major in functional food field, with a variety agency of international top raw material, and a wealth of experience in import and export.? ? ? ?廣州萊可福生物科技有限公司將秉承企業一貫追求的“但求品質、不吝物力”原則,將公司成熟的功能性食品研發、生產和貿易經驗服務于內地企業,為內地制造商們提供完備的原料解決方案和境內外產品ODM全案服務。幫助合作伙伴及時掌握國際新科技動向和**行業發展前沿趨勢,并能時刻把握先機,與**同步前進。Adhering to the principle of "quality is all", Guangzhou Laikefu Biological Technology Co., Ltd. will serve the mainland enterprises with matured experience in R&D, production and trade of function food, provide the mainland manufacturers with complete material solving scheme and the domestic & foreign products ODM services to the whole case. We will assist our partners in time to grasp the latest trends in international technology and the global industrys, and always seize the initiative, to forward toghtner in step with the whole world.