About Us關于我們UDEM offers System Certification (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13485, ISO 22000, OHSAS, FSSC 22000 etc..), Product Certification (Machinery, Electrical and Hydraulic Elevator in), Inspection (lifting and transferring machine [cranes, pallet truck, forklifts, platform and so on. ], machines, food production sites, etc..), CE Marking (Machine CE, Elevator CE,Building the CE Medical Device CE, etc..) Please see our Authorization / Assignment scope on??Accreditations page.UDEM提供系統認證(ISO 9001,ISO 14001,ISO 13485,ISO 22000,OHSAS,FSSC 22000等),產品認證(機械,電氣和液壓電梯),檢驗(升降機, 起重機,托盤車, 叉車,平臺等),機器等),CE標志(機器CE,電梯CE,建立CE醫療器械CE等。)UDEM?gives service with professional and experienced staff who specialized in their fields and capable to answer every need.UDEM擁有專業和經驗豐富的專業人員為您在各專業領域提供服務,能夠滿足各種需求。UDEM?consider their clients as their partners while performing activities, our aim is not just control and evaluate but also adding value to our clients (considering the impartiality principle). In this perspective our experts are selected from the experts who can observe with an impartial view and provide effective solutions for the systems of our clients.UDEM在項目活動中將客戶視為合作伙伴,我們的目標不僅僅是控制和評估,而且還為客戶增加價值(考慮到公正原則)。 從這個角度來看,我們的是從能夠以公正的觀點觀察的中挑選出來的,為我們客戶的系統提供有效的解決方案。Since the day UDEM is established, we always adopted the customer focus approach, therefore UDEM always invest on their personnel and trainings in order to keep the customer satisfaction at the highest level.UDEM成立以來,我們始終采用客戶關注的方式,因此UDEM始終投資于人員和培訓,以保持客戶滿意度高。