四川奇點極客教育咨詢有限公司是專注于提供極致的STEM兒童科學體驗,是**3-12歲兒童科學教育的挖掘開發者,我們力求為數百萬的孩子和家庭打造一個擁有的科學教學設備和適合自己課程體系(課程全部符合STEM專業方向和國外“下一代科學教育大綱”)的科學教育機構,我們能給孩子和家庭帶來且有趣的科學課后俱樂部、學前課程等服務。我公司致力于在未來的一年時間里,收集和研發適合不同階段兒童的科學課程和娛樂活動。通過分析孩子的特點和情況,持續研發和優化適合兒童的中科學課程,確保課程內容與時俱進,課程活動豐富多彩。我們深信保持行業前沿的重要性,挖掘孩子的興趣愛好潛力并打造專屬于他們的快樂科學課程,讓兒童知道和了解科學是什么,以及怎樣影響他們身邊的生活的。現在如果你的英語水平足夠好,如果你的邏輯思維足夠強,如果你的親和力足夠吸引人,如果你想有很大的晉升空間,如果你想你的潛力被人挖掘,如果你不想有勾心斗角的工作環境,如果你想有高的回報,如果。。。。。加入奇點極客,這里沒有如果!Sichuan Singularity Geek Education Consulting Co. Ltd, focuses on providing the ultimate STEM children's scientific experience, trying to be developer for education the children ranged from 3-12 years. We strive for millions of children and families to build a science learning system and course (standard STEM course "next generation science education program") , so we can provide children and families to take the high-end and interesting science after-school clubs, preschool classes and other servicesOur company is committed to collect and research different stages of children's science programs and recreational activities in the coming years. Through the analysis of the characteristics and situation of children, we are aimed to develop the high-end science classes, to ensure that the content of the curriculum rich and interesting. We are convinced that the importance of keeping the forefront of the industry, continue to create a potential interest the personalized their own happy science courses, to let them know what is science and how to influence their in life. Now if your English is good enough, if your logical thinking is strong enough, if your affinity is attractive enough, if you want to have great personal career development, if you want your potential to be excavated, if you do not like the political working environment, if you want to have a high salary return, if..... Join us! we don’t have IF