成都有名堂教育咨詢有限公司是西南地區少兒培訓的機構。成立于2016年7月,總部設在成都天府新區,是一家以兒童教育為主的集團企業,未來我們將開設越來越多的兒童教育品牌學校。 旗下品牌“楊梅紅國際私立美校創立于2005年,研發總部設在華盛頓,是專業的早期藝術教育**連鎖機構,校區分布在華盛頓、多倫多、巴黎、孟買、北京、上海、深圳、等地區。About YMM Art AcademyYMM Art Academy is an international and professional art education organization that was founded in 2005, and the headquarters is located in Washington D.C., USA. The branches of YMM Art Academy have been established in Washington D.C., Toronto, Paris, Mumbai, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taiwan and many other cities around the world.教師團隊楊梅紅國際私立美校目前擁有全職教師超過700位,他們都是畢業于世界各個藝術大學的藝術家、動漫畫家、時裝設計師、藝術教育工作者。Professional TeamYMM Art Academy currently has over 700 teachers, who are artists, cartoonists, designers and educators graduated from prestigious art schools.