?中瑞福寧機器人(沈陽)有限公司創立于2016年(以下簡稱‘FN’),是專業從事機器人(人工智能產品)研發、制造、測試和銷售的高科技企業,公司總部位于沈陽市鐵西區中德裝備制造產業園,注冊資本1.5億元。下設中瑞福寧機器人科技(北京)有限公司、中瑞福寧智能機器人研發及應用有限公司、中瑞福寧歐洲創新中心、中瑞福寧研發生產制造中心等子公司。同時由中瑞福寧發起的亞洲創新中心、機器人互操作及測試研究院、機器人產業基金及專業的基金管理機構也即將面世。Zhongrui Funing Robotics (Shenyang) Co.,Ltd. was foundedin 2016. It is specialized in high-end robotic (artificial intelligence)R&D, manufacturing, testing and sales. Our headquarters is based insideShenyang China-Germany High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry Park, with aregistered capital of 150 million RMB.?We have established Zhongrui FuningRobotic Technology (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. ,Zhongrui Funing Intelligent RobotR&D and Application Co.,Ltd, Zhongrui Funing Europe innovation??Center,Zhongrui Funing Asia Innovation Center, The Inter-Operation and TestingInstitute and other subsidiaries. Meanwhile, an industry investment fund, aventure fund and a fund management agency will soon be launched.?想要什么樣的人Who We Want?對自己的英文很有信心。這是前提條件,否則沒法跟國際化團隊、HR溝通或面試,而且之后還要經常往返歐洲。Confidence in English is a must for communication with aninternational team, interviews with HR and frequent traveling to Europe.?曾畢業于知名院校、相關知名研究機構或就職于知名機器人公司的高科技人才和高級管理人才,熱愛機器人行業,我們相信興趣是您源源不斷的養分。Individuals who graduated from topuniversities, worked in reputable research institutes or companies with passionwith the robotics industry. We believe that passion is the constant nutrientfor our development.?更青睞國內“硅谷范”的start-up員工。We lovepeople with ‘SiliconValley’ style?工程師不覺得自己「只是寫代碼的」,而同樣關注產品為什么要這樣做;設計師不局限自己是做「交互」還是「視覺」,而高度認同一切皆設計;產品經理除了關注體驗和場景,還同樣能夠平衡商業上的考量??傊?,「多面手」會更適合這里。Engineersnot feel that they are just ‘programmers’but ask ‘why’they do what they do; designers do not limit themselvesto ‘interactive’ or ‘visual’but recognize that everything exists as a kind of design;product managers not only focus on user experience but also businessoutlook.? In one word, it is a place for‘generalists’.重要職位KeyPositions如果您符合以上通用要求,可以關注獵聘網&智聯招聘上的職位,都base在北京&沈陽,但要不定期在國內外之間往返。If you arequalified, please check Liepin and zhaopin. The positions are based inBeijing and Shenyang. Traveling abroad occasionally may be required.?面試流程&FAQInterviewProcess & FAQ?準備簡歷有什么要注意的?How do youprepare for the interview??請同時準備好中英文簡歷,各一份。?Pleaseprepare one resume in Chinese and one in English.?技術大咖們需要務必同時準備好你的作品,作品應當體現你是如何思考并確定設計方案的。If you are atech expert, please present your work which demonstrates how you think anddesign.?面試流程如何?What is theinterview process like??首先,會由HR對你的簡歷(作品集)進行審閱,然后進行視頻面試。First ofall, HR specialist will review your resume (and work sampl e) then conduct avideo interview.?然后,進行不確定輪次的面試。比如工程師在規定時間內完成一個編程或設計,設計師根據題目做一些作業,經歷面試,文化面試,專業測評……Then youwill go through a few rounds of interviews. Candidates may be required toprogram in a set time period. Designers may need to solve problems, complete?assignments,cultural interviews or technical assessment.?后,有可能需要飛往base地面試。At last, youmay be required to visit the base for interviews.PS:面試流程比較長,可以先面試,過完年入職。這是佳安排。P.S.: Theprocess is usually long. You can take the interviews a nd get hired to workafter the New Year. This is the best solution.??薪資和福利水平如何?How is thesalary and compensation package??所有職位的薪資,根據整個面試情況OPEN談,FN有信心給到市場高。Allpositions’?salaryand compensation packages are negotiable subject to your interview evaluationresults. FN is confident for offering the highest level in the job market.?根據面試情況進行職位評級,并授予相應的福利待遇。We gradeyour position levels and assign benefit packages accordingly.?FN實行全員持股計劃哦FN implementemployee share holding plans.?Office在什么位置?Where is theoffice??北京:在東二環僑福芳草地寫字樓Beijing:9?Dongdaqiao Road, Park View Green Qiao Fu Building B ?沈陽:在青年大街華潤大廈Shenyang:?China Resource Building A, Qingnian Street