羅才思達管理咨詢(Loadstar Consulting)是一家專注人才招聘與咨詢的專業公司,我們擁有多名行業經驗豐富的專業顧問,通過在亞太區、歐洲、美國等區域搜索各類人才,包括總裁、副總裁、總經理、區域總監等,成功地服務了眾多世界500強企業、跨國集團及大中型企業等客戶。 我們的團隊擁有敏銳的眼光、獨到的視野、豐富專業的經驗,能在短的時間內,以精準的方法,為客戶“物色”到適合企業的人才,順利完成企業對人才的需求以及達到企業發展的中長期戰略目標。 同時,我們也倡導“樂在其中”的工作態度,極力為我們的員工提供一個快樂寬松的工作環境,使其真正能微笑面對服務的每一個客戶、每一個候選人。Loadstar Consulting is a professional executive search company, which has a lot of experienced and specialized consultants. We search different senior talents across Asia Pacific, Europe, The Americas etc, including President/CEO, Vice President, General Manager, Regional Director etc. Our professional services have been recognized by many Fortune 500 companies, multi-national groups and large or medium scale companies in the world.Through sensitive eyes, unique vision, and veteran experience, our consultant team can scan and select the fittest senior talents for your company within the shortest time in a pinpointing way. We can fulfill the keen need to senior talents of your company smoothly and drive your company to achieve your short or long term strategic targets.At the same time, we try our best to provide a happy but professional working atmosphere in an attitude of “enjoy work happily”, which can make us to serve each clients and candidates with smiles.