NTT Mould Company located in Shenzhen of Guangdong, China. We are a professional manufacturer specialized in high-quality plastic mould, injection molding, part assembly. We serve for various industries, such as automotive, electronics, home& office appliances, medical, etc. More than 90% moulds are exported to North America, South American, Europe and Australia.We have rich experience in making the complex structure precision moulds, such as hot runner mould, over mould, two shot mould, unscrewing mould, multi-cavity mould, etc. We strictly comply with ISO9001 instruction and requirements, use quality document system to control every process of design, production and inspection.Smoother Communication, Better Quality, More Success!深圳鼎邦精密模具有限公司位于廣深圳.本公司集精密塑膠模具設計,制造與注塑成型,裝配為一體的專業性生產企業。我們服務于各行各業,如汽車配件、數碼電子、 家用及辦公電器、醫療器械等. 90%的模具出口北美,南美,歐洲和澳大利亞.我們對熱流道模、包膠模、雙色模、搓牙模和多腔模等結構復雜、工藝難度高的模具設計與制造具有豐富的經驗, 嚴格按照ISO9001的標準及要求,通過完整的質量管理體系控制每一步工藝。我們本著“以質取勝于人,以誠取信于人”的經營理念 。愿與客戶攜手合作,共創未來!因公司業務擴展,需招數名外貿專員,歡迎的你,加入我們團隊!