我公司地處中國西部——四川省簡陽市,距成都50公里(成渝高速公路旁),距成都新機場10公里、交通運輸十分便利。有豐富的電力資源和勞動力資源.由于長 期從事機械零部件加工及從事刀具、模具制造,培養了一批的工程技術隊伍。自二十世紀八十年代進入電動工具配件生產——電動工具金屬零件加工,為中國電 動工具會員單位,在行業中享有極高的聲譽,為電動工具行業發展作出了一定的貢獻!Our company is located in JianYang , SiChuan province sets in west of China . Our convenient transportation is count on the distance to ChengDu and ChengDu’s new airport(50KM to CD and 10KM to new airport).Inaddition we have rich electric resource and abundant workforce resource as well.We have a long term working on power tool processing , bit tool and moulds producing(From 1980’S on).We have trained groups of mechanical engineer . What’s more we’ve got high reputation in power tool industry and we earn it by our contribution to the whole industry.More...