漢伏能源是一家**的光伏組件制造商、 清潔能源整體解決方案服務商及投資商。我們專注于**光伏組件的研發與制造,清潔能源項目的系統集成、項目開發、EPC服務、投融資及能源管理業務。“**化合作伙伴, 本土化專業服務”。漢伏能源擁有一支高度國際化的專業管理團隊,在**6個國家擁有100多位服務于當地市場。漢伏能源已在中國、美國、日本、澳洲、阿聯酋、泰國、菲律賓、巴基斯坦等國家和地區設立分支機構。通過本土化的專業項目運作團隊,為當地民用、商用、工業及公共事業部門提供具性價比的清潔能源整體解決方案。截至2016年底,我們在**的光伏組件出貨量累計超過5GW, 在中國、日本、英國、菲律賓、巴基斯坦等國家和地區已成功并網超過200MW光伏及風電項目,儲備和在建項目超過500MW。 漢伏能源規劃到2020年,在**范圍內并網超過1GW光伏及風能電站項目, 持有并運營超過200MW優質清潔能源電站項目。漢伏能源,綠動世界!CSUNPOWER is a global leading clean energy solution specialist. We are engagedin high efficiency PV module research and manufacturing, clean energy systemintegration, project development, EPC service, investment, financing, as wellas energy management.We think globally and act locally. CSUNPOWER is positioned internationallyand is represented in more than 6 countries, with 100+ experts serviced inlocal market. Besides headquarter in China, we have set up branches in USA,Japan, Australia, UAE, Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan. With our localprofessional team to support onsite service, we are able to provide the mostcost-effective solution for clean energyapplication in civil, commercial, industrial and public utilities.Till the end of 2016 we accumulativelyshipped more than 5GW PV module to global market. Meanwhile, we commissionedover 200MW solar and wind project around the world, with approximately 500 MWproject in the pipeline and under construction. We plan to build 1 GW solar andwind project worldwide to the end of 2020, own and operate more than 200MWproject.CSUNPOWER, power the clean world!