意立(上海)建筑規劃設計有限公司是一家國際化設計咨詢、管理營運綜合服務公司,集世界規劃設計咨詢、商業策劃運營、建筑設計施工一體化專業團隊,提供世界的規劃、建筑、景觀、室內設計及軟裝、幕墻顧問、商業策劃定位和投資運營、建設開發顧問、項目管理、EPC(設計采購建造)服務。Yili (Shanghai) Construction Planning & Design Co., LTD is an international company providing service as design consultation & management & operating. With our world-class team specialized in planning & design consultation, business marketing & operating as well as design-construction integration, the company offers world-class design for land planning, construction, landscape and interior architecture as well as the consultation service for soft decoration, curtain wall, business planning & strategy, investment running, realty affair, project management, EPC.?公司以國際化的視野,專業化并深諳國內市場的團隊,始終為客戶提供超出預期的設計品質和切實可行的一體化實施營運方案和專業服務。The company is specialized and roots in the domestic market with an international vision, and is always bringing better design quality and feasible plan as well as professional service to our customers .?公司廣邀國內外專業人士加入,為有理想、有追求、有能力的人才提供一個良好的國際化事業發展平臺。The company is open to and happy to provide an excellent platform for all the domestic and foreign talents who are specialized in design market and filled with dream, aspiration and capability.