NanoTemper’s mission is to enableresearchers to do the best science of their livesStefan Duhr and Philipp Baaske set out to build a companyto address challenges researchers were facing with the ultimate goal of helpingto move?science forward.NanoTemper was started in 2008 after Stefan and Philippmet at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. At the time, the effect ofthermophoresis was not known within the Life Sciences community, but Stefan andPhilipp knew that it was important. Realizing the shortcomings of currentprotein research techniques, they came up with a method, MicroScaleThermophoresis that was enormously sensitive, and would?bring researchersone step closer to developing better drugs faster.Now, NanoTemper has over 120 employees in 10 officesaround the world including Munich, Germany; Cambridge, UK; Kraków, Poland;Copenhagen, Denmark; South San Francisco and Boston, USA; Sao Paulo, Brazil;St. Petersburg, Russia; Bangalore, India and Beijing, China.