廣州市中宏固汽車零配件有限公司創始于2010年,工廠設立于佛山順德,占地面積約2萬平方米,白云區另設中轉站,方便國內及國外物流配送發貨。是一家專注于高檔轎車空氣懸掛的研發、生產加工及出口銷售型企業,主要經營: 奔馳、寶馬、奧迪、大眾、路虎、保時捷等轎車全系列空氣懸掛彈簧、氣壓減震器及打氣泵。公司秉承“誠信、專業、共贏”的經營理念,堅持用戶至上、質量**,以科技服務客戶,堅持技術進步、不斷創新、不斷超越。隨著多年的探索與實踐,不僅將自主研發產品做到了極致,更正在著力于研發以原廠質量為標準的全新產品。我們將一直本著用好的產品,為用戶提供好的服務為宗旨,打造中宏固專屬品牌CMW(車隨我動:The Car Moved With Me)。Guangzhou ZhongHongGu Auto Parts Co., Ltd. founded in 2010, factory set up in Shunde District Foshan City, covers an area of about 20,000 square meters. We focus on R&D、Manufacture and processing、exporting of air suspension, the main business: Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Volks Wagen, Porsche, Land Rover air suspension spring, pressure shocks, air pump. Also there is another logistics transfer station in order to dispatch and deliver goods to customers in domestic and foreign country in Baiyun District, Guangzhou.ZhongHongGu company adhere to management idea of the "integrity, profession, win-win", insist on Customer First, Quality First, technology services to customers, insist on technology progress, continuous innovation and constantly beyond. With many years of technical research and development, not only extremely independent research and development products, but also more focused on the development of complete new products on the standard of the original quality. We will always be supplying the best products, with the best service to customers, to create a special brand of CMW.