公司簡介:艾威國際房車有限公司成立于2011年,以進口國外休閑產業相關產品為主導,協助各地政府開發國際旅游新項目,促進各地旅游產業,開辟中國新型綠色休閑運動新天地。主要業務為國外進口房車及戶外旅游裝備的市場交易, 將成為進口房車及戶外裝備在中國市場的集散地。公司主營歐洲頂級的拖掛式和自行式房車,已經引進的房車品牌包括歐洲房車市場占有率高的德國房車品牌豪彼Hobby,及其旗下子品牌芬特Fendt。公司定位于房車露營產品集成供應商,業務模塊包括房車銷售,租賃,房車俱樂部活動以及露營地的規劃設計。Established in 2011, RV InternationalVehicles Trades&Marketing Co. Ltd. promotes its business primarily in theimport of foreign products related to leisure industry; in the meanwhile, ourcompany helps local governments develop new projects regarding internationaltourism, accelerates local tourist industry, and opens up an unprecedentedscope of new green leisure sports in China. Providing main services in thetrades&marketing of imported RVs overseas and equipment for outdoortravels, it is aiming to function as one of the distributing centres for theaforesaid products in the Chinese market. With our focus on premium caravansand motor homes in Europe, RV International has introduced several prominentmotor home brands to China, including Hobby, a German company with the maximummarket share in the European RV industry, as well as its high-caliber sub-brandFendt. Positioned as an integrated supplier of RV camping products, RVInternational deploys business modules in the sales and leasing of RV, RV clubactivities and planning&design of vehicle campsites. Our corporate culturecomprises a sense of concentration, responsibility and honor.During the past 4 years, RVInternational has developed into leading companies in the Chinese RV industryat present. As general agent with a storage area of over one thousand square metersin DFTP and an exhibition area of over two thousand in Xiedao Resort, ourcompany has established distribution networks in many provinces and offered topafter-sales service support system within the industry, annual sale of caravansthrough which is up to more than two hundred. By now, RV International VehiclesTrades&Marketing Co. Ltd. is the executive director of CTACA, vice chairmanof Self-Driving Tour and Camping & Caravaning Branch of CTACA, and vicechairman of RV Branch of CADA.?? In the near future, RV International isgoing to continue our promotion work of travels by RVs with the theme”as far asyou can imagine”. At home, RV International has successfully organized RVtravel activities to Tibet, Hainan, Inner Mongolia and South China; on abroad,our company has successfully organized RV in-depth tours in Europe featuring invisits to Caravan Salon Dusseldorf, and in the meanwhile, RV in-depth tours tothe west coast of America are on the agenda as well. Besides, through otherexhibition activities, RV International will make the knowledge of RV travelsavailable to the public, thereby improving their understanding of RV travels.In addition, RV International will lay more emphasis on providing assistanceworks for local governments as well as enterprises and institutions related toRV camping. We firmly believe that our consistent endeavour to develop tourismresources and establish RV campsites will offer our dear campers a promisingfuture with better RVs, more comfortable campsites and more enjoyable journeys!?簡歷及作品集請發送至郵箱:gracieding@163(丁女士)