歡迎有志之士加入我們的團隊,一起發展這份屬于你我的事業!廣州星通機械設備有限公司專業致力于制冷設備的設計、生產、銷售。主要產品有冰淇淋機、制冰機、冰棒機、大塊冰機、爆谷機等設備。公司自2007年創立以來,積極進取,不斷創新,憑借良好的企業信譽,獨特的經營風格及較強的市場開拓能力,取得了一個又一個的驕人業績。目前,我司具備一套完整的生產設備及操作工藝流程,不斷地進行技術革新和調整產品結構,根據客戶的要求,可以來樣定做。部分產品已獲得CE國際質量認證,同時其它產品的質量在全體員工的努力下,得到了全新的改進,使其更具合理化、專業化、科學化。我公司一貫以腳踏實地,服務誠懇的經營理念,使公司的規模不斷地得到鞏固和發展,各項業務得到了長足發展。公司技術人員經過摸索、試驗,成功地生產出一批高品質、高品位的西餐設備,憑著它卓越的品質、新穎的設計、功能齊全等特點深受國內外企業、客戶青睞。?公司本著技術、質量**、客戶至上的原則,向消費者提供可靠、實用、高性價比的產品,滿足您的需要是星通全體同仁的共同心愿。GUANGZHOU SUMTONG INDUSTRY ?CO., ?LTD . combines development,designing, manufacture, ?sales ?in one line service ?as ?an professional enterprise.Our main products are as following: Ice cream machine,Fry ice cream machine,?Popsicle machine, Ice Cube maker,Block ?Ice maker machine,Cold storage,Cake ?showcase,Cotton candy machine, Popcorn machine,etc.Since the company was founded in 2007, ?the ?positive ?enterprising, continuous innovation, with good orporate reputation, a unique management style and strong market development ability, Obtained another impressive performance. Currently,We have full set of complete producing equipment and operating program, and we constantly do technology innovation and adjustment of products structure. ?We can make products for customer by sample or requirement. Some products are CE ?approved. With all staff hard working, other products are improve and more rationalized.We are always holding on management of good working and faithful service, leading company to be confirmed and developing. We successfully produce some high quality and high class luxury western kitchen equipment, and it is favored by domestic and oversea enterprise and customers with its high quality, new design and full function.Company in line with the leading technology, quality first, customer supreme principle, provide customers with reliable,practical,cost-effective products, characteristics of meet your needs is our common wish of all my colleagues.