深圳艾斯建材有限公司(?ACE Architectural Products Co.,Ltd)專注于為海外工程商提供工程建材一站式的產品供應,產品涉及各種定制性樓梯、陽臺護欄、玻璃門、淋浴房等,擁有**的精英團隊,的商業模式和廣泛的渠道資源,客戶遍布**60多個國家和地區。我們的優勢:1)?年輕有活力的團隊,成員全部為80后,90后。2)?“一對一”的導師培訓制,入職前半年會有專門的導師。3)?公司在快速發展期,有快速的晉升渠道,廣闊的發展空間。我們的用人理念:你來我就招,堅信每個人都是等待發掘的天才。The ACE Architectural Products Co.,Ltd isone of China’s top suppliers of performance staircase& balustrade, showersproducts.?With a strong foundation in customerservice, ACE Archi businesses offer complementary expertise and customproducts, keeping abreast of environmental trends in processing and lifestyle.?ACE Archi offers you high-qualityresidential and commercial building products services that will fit your needsand budget. From Staircase to balustrade and shower doors, we promise thatyou'll be completely satisfied with our services and products.?Our number-one goal is customersatisfaction, and we strive to attain absolute perfection in everything we do.?We have been in business for more than 8yearsWe have already worked for 135 projects in56 countries Power-full design and engineer team canprovide personal Design consulting with each clientProducts quality is overseen by ourProfessional Staff who have many years of experience in the industry.Strict raw materials assessment , advancedequipment&excellent techinicians resulting in wonderful process .Satisfaction GUARANTEED!? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??At ACE Archi, wepride ourselves on our abilities to create even the most difficult of designswhile not compromising our promptness or quality. We believe that you deservethe very best that the industry has to offer, and that's what we give you.Our wide varietyof services and talents leaves you with an infinite number of possibilities, sofeel free to be as creative as you'd like in your requests. With our amazingrange of services and competitive prices, you're sure to become another of ourmany satisfied customers.