埃斯頓(ASTON)智能車庫有限公司于2012年注冊設立,是一家長期專注于智能化立體車庫的規劃設計、技術研發、生產、銷售、安裝、維修、保養、租賃和投資為一體的現在化高科技(中德)合資企業。并致力把德國智能機械人全自動化立體車庫技術不斷創新優化,以保證不同客戶的需求。Aston Intelligent Garage Co., Ltd., established in 2012, is one Sino-German joint venture high technology enterprise which dedicates to the design,technology researching and development, production, sales, installation, maintenance, leasing and invest of high-end intelligent cube parking equipment. The company also commits to the German intelligent robot fully automated dimensional garage technology innovation and optimization so as to guarantee the requirements of different customers.目前公司智能立體車庫已經形成包括智能化垂直升降塔式車庫(PCS)系列,平面移動類(PPY)系列,巷道堆垛類(PXD)系列,垂直循環類(PCX)系列,升降橫移類(PSH)系列和簡易升降類(PJS)系列等五大類產品。公司擁有多項國際國內的專利技術,其中智能化垂直升降塔式車庫和倉儲類的技術處于國內外同行業地位。At present, the company produces five categories of intelligent cube garages, including Intelligent Vertical Liftable Tower Garage (PCS) series, Mobile Flat (PPY) series, Lane Stacker (PXD) series, Vertical Circulation (PCX) series, Liftable Transverse Movable series (PSH) and Simple Liftable (PJS )series. The company has a number of international and domestic patent technology, including intelligent vertical lift tower garage and storage technology is in the leading position of the industry at home and abroad."顧客滿意"是公司人始終如一的追求,質量管理是公司的立足之本。在生產質量控制與安裝、服務過程中公司嚴格執行ISO9001-2015與ISO14001-2015、GB/T28001-2011等相關國際標準管理體系,成立專業的安裝和服務隊伍,設立24小時服務的400免費服務熱線,建立輻射**的服務網絡和迅捷的備品備件供應體系,為客戶提供的服務與支持。"Satisfaction of customer" is the company's consistent pursuit. Quality management is the basis of the company. In the quality control process of production, installation and service, the companies strictly follow the ISO9001-2015 and ISO14001-2015, GB/T28001-2011 and other relevant international standard management system. Built up a professional installation and service team and provided 24 hours free hot line service (400). Also established a global service network and quick spare parts supply system, and provided a full range of services and support to our customers.