北京奇樂客科技有限公司致力于線上教育平臺開發,擁有多項技術專利,公司產品ENMA國際教育致力于為計劃留學的小伙伴們提供定制化的A Level, IB, AP等私教課程及留學指導。ENMA國際教育專為中國學生開設由外教輔導的國際中學課程,幫助學員快速提高考試成績,進入其理想大學。做到無縫接軌西方教育體系,令學生真正具備入讀名校所需要的能力。ENMA擁有強大的外教團隊。英國名校高素質、有經驗的專業教師,A Level、雅思考官。采用**先進的網絡教學軟件,學生在家即可擁有外教名師輔導。ENMA International Education provides online international high school tuition to support students quickly improve their exam scores and enter their ideal university. Our tuition connects with International education system seamlessly to build student’s capabilities required to have long-term success.ENMA Int’l Edu has a very strong foreign teacher team. All of our teachers are professional teachers from the U.K., who graduate from top university, have teacher certificates, some of them are A level and IELTS examiners.We use the world's most advanced education software, so that students easily access to British outstanding teachers in their own home.