派洛奇科技(北京)有限公司始于1961年,秉承精益創新的派洛奇集團在家居電器業已戮力耕耘55年, 積累了豐富的經驗和實力,并出色完成多項**化工程及標準制定。自2004年起,派洛奇敏銳關注**環境問題,成立派洛奇**研發中心,全力布局智能家電及健康家居環境研發,開發團隊包括 :**材料科技的新加坡南洋理工 大學,新加坡凱斯盾材料創新公司,意大利頂級的空氣流 體及檢測實驗室,中國清華大學環境學院。秉持匠心,追求卓越,2017年春季,派洛奇將推出首款新風系統,正式啟動家居空氣質量智能化管理業務。PelucchiDriven for Continuous Innovation, Designed for Continuous Improvement.Since 1961,Pelucchi is one of the most known brand of Italian commercial household appliances. Innovation has always been Pelucchi rule and research of quality on every single details is what inspired us. Abide by ingenuity, our catalogue shows a complete new products range,with a focus on improving indoor air quality, developed in cooperation with our designs offices in Italy and R&D Center with a 5 years spin-off from Nanyang Technological University from 2007 in Singapore.