About our company:?Panda Housekeeping has a clear mission and that is to offer professional home cleaning that are performed by honest, reliable, and friendly staff of professionals. The main goal of the company is to reduce stress of our customers and allow them to spend some leisure time with their family and work. We specialize in all kinds of residential housekeeping, such as laundry, ironing, maintenance, etc. Life is better with Panda Housekeeping.成都攀達瑪麗家庭服務有限公司是成都一家涉外保潔公司,公司把傳統保潔與五星級酒店服務結合起來,推出以市場為導向,以顧客為中心的個性化家政服務,其中包括日常保潔,洗衣,熨燙,照顧小寵物等服務,公司主要針對于在蓉外籍顧客。我們的宗旨是:做您的私人熊貓管家,LIFE IS BETTER WITH PANDA