一個全包式互聯網軟裝精選平臺,創新免費軟裝模式撼動傳統市場;通過大數據分析用戶需求,免費為用戶量身定制多套優質全屋軟裝方案,讓用戶節省高昂設計費,同時整合多端供應鏈,用戶以更低的價格享受更的品質。提供產品配送到家服務,真正做到讓用戶省時省力省心,憑借創新商業模式迅速開拓互聯網軟裝市場,致力成為行業先驅。? ? ? ? About the preferred home: an all-inclusive Internet soft install platform, innovative free soft decoration model shaking traditional market; User requirements through the analysis of the large data, free for the user tailored set of high quality whole house soft outfit more, allow the user to save a high design, integration of supply chain, and at the same time the user at a lower price to enjoy more upscale quality home products distribution services, and effort is truly let users save worry, with innovative business model rapidly develop the Internet soft outfit in the market, is committed to become the industry pioneer.