?我們愛慕斯專業移民咨詢(深圳)有限公司(AIMS Immigration Consultancy (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.)源于新加坡實力強的移民公司---AIMS(愛慕斯)。愛慕斯開業10年以來,先后為近10000個家庭成功提供了移民服務,幫助他們順利拿到了各國綠卡及護照。所涉及的國家包括澳大利亞、美國、加拿大、新西蘭、英國、葡萄牙、新加坡、馬來西亞等目前市場上主流移民目的地。為了把我們公司專業、負責的理念帶到中國并更好地為中國大陸的客人提供優質的服務, 2014年我們愛慕斯正式進駐中國市場,總部位于深圳。我們擁有的豐富資源、**網絡、專業經驗 讓客戶快速拿到簽證和移民身份,有效減少時間。Our AIMS Immigration Consultancy (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. originates from AIMS Immigration Specialist Pte Ltd (AIMS), one of the best established immigration companies in Singapore. AIMS has provided immigration services for nearly 10000families in the last 10 years, helping customers and clients get their visas, green cards and passports successfully. The involved countries are the mainstream immigration destinations in the present market including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, America, Britain, Portugal, Singapore, Malaysia and so on. In order to bring our professional and responsible concepts into China to serve customers from Chinese mainland, we officially entered Chinese market in 2014 with headquarter located in Shenzhen. Our abundant resources, global network and profession will help clients acquire visas, PRs, or citizenship and effectively reduce the time.朝九晚六,周末雙休福利享不停:法定假期節假日福利生日Party轉正即享年休假有薪病假出國學習機會年度體檢旅游等;除了這些,來到這里你將沐浴在英語的海洋在這里你可以釋放自己享受自由(當然業績很重要)你還可以任意選擇北京、上海、深圳三地工作。別猶豫,選對了即改變一生!