艾倫巴斯汽車科技有限公司,工廠建立在佛山市,成立于1971年,但主要集中在國內(中國)市場。2016,海外銷售公司在香港成立。從那以后,allenbus開始在海外市場的步伐。新廠在云浮,2016年10月開始運行生產。公司擁有8000臺汽車的生產能力,擁有近40年的經驗,我們有信心為客戶提供高質量的產品。我們堅持去使用手工工藝產品市場的監督。為了滿足海外客戶的需求,我們了解客戶的報價,并盡力為客戶量身定做。如今,我們正為那些欲尋求職業挑戰和愿意運用他們的才干來開發中國乃至**市場的們提供激動人心的良機。歡迎瀏覽我們的主頁:www.allenbusAllenbus is old factory at a young age. The base company was established a 1971, but focused on domestic (China) market only.At 2016, the oversea sales company was set up in Hong Kong. From then on, Allenbus start the step on oversea market.The new plant, Yunfu plant, started working from October of 2016. It’s with ? production capacity of 8,000 units per year.With almost 40 years of experience, we have confidence to provide our customers good quality product. And we insistto use handmade process for the products for oversee market. Aiming to satisfy oversea customers requirement.We understand clients specific inquiry, and do our best for tailor-made.We are now offering the exciting opportunities for those professionals who seek for a challenging career and share their commitment to excellences in the China market, and global market as well.Visit us by:?www.allenbus