? 西安通平網絡科技有限公司是TOMTOP集團旗下的一家全資子公司。??Tomtop,深圳市通拓科技有限公司。??國內的跨境電商企業,國家級電子商務示范企業、國家級高新技術企業、深圳市直通車企業,2004年成立,在**擁有十余家分公司,**倉庫超10萬平米,24小時**智能ERP實時響應。首創“泛供應鏈泛渠道”模式,通過互聯網思維、模塊化管理、IT大數據技術、大量海外子公司、進出口雙向貿易等多種方法匹配組合,創新性解決了多對多的復雜關系,致力于把中國優質供應鏈產品,通過eBay、亞馬遜、速賣通、Wish、Tomtop等多種渠道銷售到全世界,把**優質品牌商品帶回中國,把各國優質產品互賣**,打造極致的跨境購物體驗,讓**消費者共享優質產品,暢享高品質生活!??出口商品涵蓋16個大品類,自主品牌sku5萬個,外部供應鏈sku20余萬個,包括手機及配件、遙控模型、相機及攝影器材、戶外運動、影音、家居園林、美容保健、儀器儀表、汽摩配件、安防照明等,銷往**200多個國家和地區。??進口通淘國際與13個國際一線品牌深度合作,引入總代理品牌30余個,打造自主品牌10余個,銷售覆蓋全國20個省市區域、近7000個終端網點。??自主品牌,獲得專利16項、商標100余項;原創藝術品牌Tomfeel、Tooarts,不斷綻放光彩!Koogeek躋身于世界智能硬件品牌行列,深受**消費者歡迎,成為民族品牌出海的先行者!??目前,公司正以每年翻番的速度發展,立志成為**跨境電商的“Tomorrow Top”,將優的個性化跨國交易解決方案推向全世界》。???Shenzhen Tomtop Technology Co., Ltd., a domestic first-class cross-border e-commerce enterprise , a national-level high-tech enterprise as well as a Shenzhen ?Government Express Enterprise, established in 2004. Currently, with more than ten branch offices worldwide, over 100 thousands ㎡ global warehouses and 24 hours real- time responded smart ERP.Tomtop pioneered the“Extensive Supply Chains& Extensive Sales Channels”model.Which innovatively solved the many-to-many complex ?relationships through the Internet thinking, modular management, IT big data technology, a large number of overseas subsidiaries, import and export two-way trade and ?other methods.Tomtop is committed to providing high-quality supplied products to the world through eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, Wish ,Tomtop and other channels, as well ?as bringing global premium branded products back to China. Tomtop sells global quality goods worldwide,and creates the ultimate cross-border shopping ?experience,allowing consumers around the world share high-quality products and enjoy high-quality life!?Export commodities cover 16 major categories, own brand sku more than 50,000, external supply chain sku over 20 million, including mobile phones and accessories, ?remote control models, cameras and photographic equipment, outdoor sports, audio and video, home gardens, beauty care, instrumentation, Automobile and motorcycle ?accessories, security lighting, etc., are sold to more than 200 countries and regions in the world.?Shenzhen TOMTAO International Trading Co.,Ltd expands in-depth cooperation with 13 international leading brands, introduces more than 30 distributor brands, creats over 10 ?independent brands, and sells in nearly 7,000 terminal outlets among 20 provinces and cities nationwide.?Independent brands, obtained 16 patents and more than 100 trademarks; the original art brands Tomfeel and Tooarts, continue to bloom! Koogeek ranks among world-class ?smart hardware brands and is welcomed by consumers all over the world. It has become a pioneer of national brands.?At present, Tomtop is developing at the speed that doubles every year, and it is determined to become the “Tomorrow Top” of global cross-border e-commerce, and to ?bring the best personalized cross-border transaction solutions to the world.