Biloba LLC is an international company withheadquarters in Houston, Texas USA and Tianjin, China. At Biloba, we believeour advantage is our commitment to our employees. Getting a job at Biloba is not easy. Not because we have strict requirements foracademics or work experience, but because we have strict requirements forcultural fit. We are looking for people who:·Expect to be treated as adults:with respect and responsibility·Have a desire to discoverhidden talents and potential·Have a desire to constantlylearn and improve·Want to contribute somethingmeaningful At Biloba, we believe that employees are#1, ahead of customers and even ahead of profits. It is our goal to create thebest work environment so everyone can use their skills in the most fulfillingway. We want to help you discover your true talents. We want you to use those talents to help the companyin the best way. Everybody wins.At Biloba, we also believe in running aresponsible business. We don't believe in harming anyone or anything in thename of profits. We won't copy or steal. We want to make a positive impact inthe world.Biloba is also a disciplined company. Westrive for consistent profits, which we use to find more talented people togrow our team. We very rarely, if ever, will fire employees. We have acommitment to your development and growth and being a fiscally responsiblecompany is part of that commitment.If Biloba sounds like it fits yourpersonality and style, please contact us. We are always looking for like-mindedpeople to join our team, regardless of your work experience!柏樂邦公司(Biloba LLC.)是一家跨國企業,總部位于美國德州休斯頓和中國天津。致力于對員工的關注與培養是我們公司大的優勢體現。要成為柏樂邦公司的一名員工并非易事,不是因為我們對員工的學歷或工作經驗有過高要求,而是我們對能夠適應公司的企業文化有一些獨特的要求!我們的招聘對象需要符合以下標準:·自主并對工作有擔當·期望能夠挖掘和發揮自我潛在才能·期望不斷地學習成長,進行自我完善·期望能夠做出有價值的貢獻在柏樂邦,我們將員工放在公司首位,甚至高于客戶和盈利。我們的目標是為每一個員工提供好的工作氛圍讓大家充分發揮自己的技能。我們希望可以幫助你們挖掘你們自己的才能,也希望你們可以在公司這個平臺充分發揮自己的才華,這樣來實現雙贏。在柏樂邦,我們承擔社會責任,不會經營任何為公司利潤而傷害個人或社會的項目,沒有抄襲或剽竊,我們希望對社會帶來積極的影響。柏樂邦公司對自身的要求是實現穩定持續的利潤來為公司招納更多有才能的員工來壯大公司團隊。除非特殊情況,我們很少辭退員工。我們致力于你們的成長進步,在資金上提供有力支持。如果你覺得柏樂邦公司適合你的個性與風格請聯系我們。無論你們過去的工作經驗如何,我們會持續尋求與公司志趣相投的人加入我們的團隊!