愛樂奇少兒英語,由原美國哈佛大學外語系副主任卡倫·布萊斯博士,與愛樂奇教學總監唐威廉先生聯合主編,是一套根據兒童學習的心理規律及特點,以提升孩子英語學習興趣為立足點,是專為中國兒童量身定制的英語課程。采用國際先進的語言教學模式,將動畫、語音、互動游戲應用等軟件整合,采用多媒體課程軟件、卡通版全英文教材、互動式網絡作業平臺相結合的混合立體教學模式。愛樂奇致力于提供優的少兒英語數碼課程,配合學校轉型數字化教育。愛樂奇少兒英語,利用先進的多媒體技術,改變了單一的課堂授課模式,轉變學生被動授課的形式,全新的翻轉式課堂,給課堂增加更多互動。而且,愛樂奇將學習的過程從課堂延伸至家庭,方便孩子隨地復習與預習,讓孩子自主自動快樂學英語,有效提高學習成果。愛樂奇少兒英語總部位于上海浦東新區博云路2號浦軟大廈5樓,濟南分校坐落于繁華的和平路和山師東路交叉口(中魯遠洋大廈四樓),里面有著一群可愛可敬外加逗比的老師,她們不止英語、更懂教育、更愛孩子,他們熱愛生活,他們有著一顆炙熱的熱愛教育的心,現在愛樂奇少兒英語團隊誠邀您的加0531828905入。ALO7 is the largest K12 digital English Language Teaching (ELT) content producer and solutions provider.The ALO7 team members are pioneers in the field of young English learners' education reform in the Mobile Internet Age.ALO7 is used in 100 cities throughout China by more than 5,000 training schools, and more than 12 million students experience the joy of learning English through ALO7.ALO7 grew out of Saybot Information Technology, Ltd., which was founded in Boston in 2004 by digital pioneer Professor Nicholas Negroponte, and the father of e-mail, Professor Leonard Kleinrock, along with several international venture capital investors.In 2010, the ALO7 Network Technology Co., Ltd launched its own education brand — ALO7, servicing students between 3 and 15 years old. ALO7’s ?goal is designing "entertaining and efficient" tailored products for Chinese students.ALO7 is a multi-dimensional learning product for young English learners, combining innovative educational methodologies with the latest technologies. ALO7 products include printed textbooks (ALO7 Student Books, Craft Books, Work Books, Storybooks, Phonics Readers, and ABC Readers), fun and interactive courseware (ALO7 Courseware), an after-school learning platform where students practice listening,speaking, reading, and writing (ALO7 Learning Platform), an online home-school contact platform to improve communication and management (ALO7 Learning Feed for Parents and Teachers), foreign teacher-led tutorials via online classrooms (ALO7 Online Tutoring), and a variety of other educational products.