無錫映型三維數字技術有限公司是一家在3D打印機及材料領域集設計、研發和制造于一體的高新技術產業公司。公司目前致力于開發面向多行業的先進3D打印技術及相關的高性能打印材料。現已推出多款針對齒科的3D打印機,同時與全新口腔數字化技術平臺接口,具有精度高、速度快的特點,已經在國內外齒科領域有廣泛的合作應用。 EncaShape 3D Digital Technology Inc is a high-tech company focusing on3D printing technologies and 3D printing materials. Since founding, EncaShapehas focused on using an integrated approach where 3D printers and theirprintable materials are developed simultaneously so that the new technologiescan better meet the industrial needs. To-date, the company has developedseveral 3D printers and materials for digital dentistry applications, with theadvantage of high resolution and high speed. The company has also establishedclose relationship with several leading dental companies.