派盛咨詢是派恩國際咨詢有限公司在中國大陸地區的全資子公司,公司定位于為中外客戶提供以專業會計服務為核心的商業服務支持。為保障中外企業成功地在中國市場進行拓展,我們有能力和經驗,提供各種注冊、會計、稅務、人事、進出口等企業專業服務及相關解決方案。成立近10年來,我們為不同國家的客戶提供服務,積累了豐富的行業經驗。我們不僅能夠提供所有領域的會計和商業服務,我們的財務和會計還能夠根據客戶的業務需求,設計服務外包解決方案,提高客戶的工作效率和降低成本。Passion Accounting Service is well positioned to provide clients worldwide with the professional services and resources they need to succeed in global markets. We are also capable of and experience in to solving all kinds of financial matters. Our clients involve a wide range of industries from different countries, Passion Accounting Service assists companies with their efforts to meet these requirements and provide comprehensive experience in all areas of accounting and reporting services. Our financial and accounting experts focus on business requirements and design outsourcing solutions to improve client’s operational efficiency and reduce costs with the use of latest financial software.