東莞市煒特斯機械科技有限公司座落在工業強鎮盛產模具之鄉的東莞市長安鎮。 本公司的技術力量由帶鋸床治廠,公司有技術研發中心,質量檢測中心和銷售服務中心。
產品有經濟型、主流型和型三種系列:經濟型經濟實用,性能達標;主流型性能優越,功能齊 全,機床經久耐用,物超所值;型能滿足客戶特殊需求。本公司還承接設計制造各種非標準和 超大型帶鋸床。
公司不斷開拓鋸切技術新領域,致力于研究高速鋸切,智能控制新技術,努力降低 帶鋸條的消耗,具有自主核心技術,已獲得多項專利,在生產制造環節中,狠抓質量,要求每臺產品做到零缺陷,并努力做到售后服務工作,使用戶無后顧之憂......
Shenzhen Wei Automation Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in the industrial town is rich in mold town of Dongguan Changan Town business. The company's technology strength by the band sawing machine factory experts, the company has the technical R & D center, quality testing center and sales and service center.
Products for economic type, mainstream and high-end type of three series: economy, economy and practicality, performance standards; mainstream type of superior performance, function Qi, durable machine, excellent value for money; high-end model can meet the special needs of customers. The company also undertake design and manufacture all kinds of non standard and super large band sawing machine.
Companies to develop cutting new technology, dedicated to the study of high-speed sawing, intelligent control technology, efforts to reduce the consumption of the band saw blade, with our own core technology, has a number of patents, in production in the manufacturing process, pay close attention to quality for each product to achieve zero defect, and strive to do service work, users no worries...
With the most preferential price to obtain the majority of customers long-term trust and cooperation, welcome to come to visit us, we will sincerely for your service