加入我們的團隊您不只是想要一份工作? 我們熱衷于培養人才,就像我們的員工熱衷于開發好的產品一樣。Ivanti 是 IT 系統/安全管理、服務管理、資產管理及移動性管理解決方案領域的**領導者。 ? Ivanti 前身為 LANDESK,已有 30 余年的發展歷史,如今正全力擴張其世界版圖并已取得了驕人戰績。 ? 無論是在工作環境方面,還是在公司開發的產品方面,我們都獲得了無數獎項。 在過去四年里,公司完成了 7 次收購,**許多崗位正虛位以待,這無疑是加入我們的好時機!如果您有一顆熱愛工作的心,對開發世界水平的解決方案頗感興趣,還想擁有輕松愉悅的工作氛圍,來 Ivanti 就對了!???????????? Join our teamLooking for more than just a job? We like developing our people just as much as we like developing great products.Ivanti is a global leader in IT systems and security management, service management, asset management, and mobility management solutions. Ivanti, created in January 2017 after a merger of HEAT Software and LANDESK, has been around for over 30 years but is experiencing significant growth worldwide. The company has received numerous awards for being a Top Place to Work, as well as many accolades for the products it develops. With more than seven acquisitions in the last four years and open positions around the globe, it's an exciting time to join Ivanti.Competitive salary, matching 401k, great benefits, lots of food and great managers. Ivanti is a great place to work.If you’re passionate about what you do, interested in developing solutions that make a difference and in having fun while doing it, Ivanti is the place for you!