北京意典室內設計咨詢有限公司創立于2014年,業務涉及專業化室內設計、軟裝設計、展覽展示以及裝潢設計,項目涵及星級酒店賓館、現代化商業中心、寫字樓、公眾餐飲娛樂設施、展廳設計,是北京建筑裝飾協會會員。意典擁有具備相當素質及專業資格的設計團隊,從事專業室內設計、計算機CAD設計和工程材料及配套產品的選型,配合以現代化的管理手段實行各項業務的整體運作和發展。 意典秉承“意會人性,品質經典”的企業精神。精心鉆研現代設計精髓,不斷融入多方藝術設計手法,力求打造高品質的前沿設計產品。在項目實施過程中,公司上下精誠合作,務求各環節嚴謹順暢,力爭為客戶提供優質的產品和服務。Beijing Yidian Interior Design & Consultancy Co.,LTD., which founded in 2014 whose business scope including professionalinterior design, soft outfit design, exhibition and decoration design and itsprojects including the design of stars-hotel, modern business centers, officebuildings, public entertainment facilities and exhibition centers, etc. It isnot only the member of Beijing building decoration association also has quite aqualified and professional design team who engaged in professional interiordesign, CAD design, engineering materials and relative products. The companyuses modern management methods to handle daily operation and develops in ascientific way.Yidian takes the "Insight Humanity,Essence classic” as its enterprise spirit, concentrates on understanding ofmodern design essences, constantly fuses varieties of arttechniques,makes every effort to create extraordinary products at the forefront of design.In the process of projects implementation, it always makes sincere cooperationto make sure that every little point runs strict smoothly and always strives toprovide our customers best products and perfect services.