At Mesheven, we're reimagining how toapply technology, particularly at the intersection of electronics and software,to problems in the real-world. We believe that progress in the world is drivenby application of the talents and capabilities of people. These people areempowered and enabled by the technology and tools that are accessible to them.Thereis no real shortage of talented and driven individuals with cool ideas.However, many do not have the required multi-disciplined specialist expertise.This can create a significant barrier-making it difficult to turn ideas intogreat products and services. Our job is to make technology much moreaccessible, empowering many more people to drive creation and innovation.Ultimately, we think this will benefit everyone. In pursuit of this objective, we arebuilding hardware and software tools for organizations and people that are inthe business of making things. These are the organizations and people that areusing their ideas and drive to produce real things.More specifically, we arefocusing on helping people and organizations that want to design and buildhigh-quality smart-products in the context of solving problems in manydifferent areas.We are looking for capable people tojoin our team and help us take this to next level.We value: humility, loyalty,cheerfulness, kindness, confidence, determination and open-mindedness. We don'tattach much value to experience, or even what schools and colleges youattended. But you will need to be smart enough-the problems we are trying tosolve are difficult.You will need to be tenacious, clever and inventive - andbe able to get things done.If you are interested, and like theidea of being part of something important, then tell us about yourself.在創享橋,我們重新定義了如何運用技術解決現實世界的問題,特別是在電子硬件和軟件交集的領域。我們相信,世界的進步由人類的才華和能力所驅動。而人類所能獲取的技術和工具,賦與他們更大的能力去改變世界。世上不乏才華橫溢和奮發努力的人,也不乏炫酷的設想和創意。可是很多人由于缺乏必要的多領域的專業知識,而無法將他們的創意轉化為偉大的產品和服務。這一現實的問題既打擊了他們創新的積極性,又阻礙和束縛了他們改變世界的能力。我們力求讓技術更加觸手可及,從而更好地賦能有才華的人們實現他們的創意和創新,并終惠及到每個人。為了追求這一目標,我們為創造產品的組織和個人打造了軟硬件工具。這些組織和個人是指運用他們的創意、技能和強大的驅動力創造出真實產品和服務的組織和個人。更具體地講,我們通過解決不同領域的技術問題,幫助企業和個人設計和打造高質量的智能產品。我們正在尋找有才能的人加入我們的團隊,幫助我們更加接近我們的目標。我們重視以下品質:謙遜、忠誠、開朗、親和、自信、有決策力以及開放性思維。我們并不看重工作經驗或者學歷及教育水平。但是您必須足夠聰慧,因為我們在試圖解決的問題都非常困難。您需要非常頑強,機智并富有創造力,能夠解決問題,出色地完成工作。如果您對我們的職位感興趣,并樂于成為這一重要使命的一部分,請告之我們,并與我們取得聯系。