青島華海聯宇工貿有限公司 ? WORLD LINK CORPORATION??? 青島華海聯宇工貿有限公司,主要產品包括橡塑制品、不銹鋼產品、五金機電、物流設備、倉儲設備、超市設備、酒店清潔設備、環保設備等,主要出口到美國、加拿大、澳大利亞、英國、法國、挪威、荷蘭、瑞士、科威特、阿聯酋、泰國、土耳其、新西蘭、俄羅斯、立陶宛、以色列、香港等世界幾十個國家和地區。大客戶如:WAL-MART、 H&M、 FOX、Gobox等等。? ? 公司以來樣加工為主,共有合作工廠20余家,多家工廠是由我司出資開具的模具,主營產品:可插式塑料箱、超市四輪塑料籃、塑料托盤、不銹鋼餐車、機場手推車、塑料托盤車、超市理貨車、室外塑料垃圾桶、衣服車、榨水車、周轉箱、貨倉車、花園車、油桶車、腳輪、貨架等。? ? 歡迎有理想、有抱負的外貿精英加盟我司,我司將為您提供廣闊的發展平臺,無限的提升空間,讓我們一起把外貿事業做大做強!??? World Link Corporation is an International enterprise founded in 1994 with its headquarters in Taiwan, office in Qingdao and join venture factories in Qingdao, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Wuhan etc... We have been expertise in designing and producing Material Handling Equipments, Plastic pallets, Plastic crates, Hand Trolleys, Garbage bins, Shopping baskets, Stainless steel carts, Wheel castors etc for more than 19 years. ? ? We are devoted in manufacture, innovative designs and superior quality control. Our goal is to provide our customers high quality products with outstanding service and competitive price. World Link, is your best choice not just a supplier but also a long term strategic partner in China.? ? Welcome to join us, World Link---Our home !