Process Asset Integration andManagement Limited (ProAIM)是一家國際化的工藝工程和資產績效顧問咨詢公司,**總部位于英國曼徹斯特。我們開發并實施先進的可靠性,可用性和可維護性技術(RAM)來改進客戶的企業績效。我們為資產密集型企業提供基于全生命周期的、大數據云平臺的資產可靠性和績效優化技術咨詢服務與軟件平臺,整體業務范圍涵蓋油氣平臺、石化、煉油、電力等多個國家重點領域,主要合作伙伴有中國石化、BP英國石油公司、英國曼徹斯特大學、JGC日本日揮株式會社等。??ProAIM前身為工藝集成有限公司(PIL)的一個事業部,是曼徹斯特大學工藝集成中心的子公司。自二十世紀八十年代初,該工藝集成中心在新概念工藝技術的發展和實施中就已經走在了世界前列,數以千計的工業工程項目從新概念工藝技術中受益,其中有一些例如“夾點技術”,之后已被認定為工業標準。??ProAIM通過專利工藝來幫助客戶改進現有的操作和設計流程,使用新流程的概念設計來提高客戶資產的利用率。在整個過程和效用產業中,ProAIM通過優化可靠性、可用性和可維護性提供工藝技術來管理資產生命周期成本。ProAIM在RAM技術領域中處于地位,通過運用我們的RAM數據處理模擬和優化技術為客戶提供資產整合和管理的“優方案”。???Process Asset Integration and ManagementLimited (ProAIM) is an international process engineering and asset performanceconsultancy company, headquartered in Manchester, UK. We develop and implementadvanced reliability, availability and maintainability technology (RAM) toimprove clients’ asset performance. We provide asset-intensive enterprises withasset management and software based on the full life cycle and big data cloudplatform. The overall business scope covers a number of national key areas suchas oil and gas platform, petrochemical, oil refining and power. The mainpartners are Sinopec, BP, the University of Manchester, JGC and so on.??ProAIM was formerly a business unit ofProcess Integration Limited (PIL), a commercial spin-out from the Centre forProcess Integration at the University of Manchester.Since the early 1980s, the Centre for Process Integration has been at theforefront of the development and implementation of new conceptual processtechnologies – benefiting many thousands of industrial projects around theworld. Some of those, such as Pinch Technology, have subsequently becomerecognized as ‘industrial standards’.??ProAIMuses a patented process to help clients improve existing operational and designprocesses and use the conceptual design of new processes to improve theutilization of clients’ assets. Throughout the process and utility industry,ProAIM provides process technology to manage asset lifecycle costs byoptimizing reliability, availability, and maintainability. ProAIM is a leaderin the field of RAM technology by providing clients with ‘best practices’ for integrating and managing their assets by using our RAMdata processing simulation and optimization technology.