Jiangsu?Dijing Forwarding Agency Co., Ltd is a professional and leading domestic logistic company for automotive components with entrepreneurial goal of providing best-in-class logistic service for customers. It is aiming at innovation of integrated services of supply chain for automotive industry. It owns following subsidiaries: YiShun Logistic, Suzhou YiShun, Chongqing Yishun & Chengdu Yishun. Etc. It contains following business scopes: waterborne transportation, freight forwarding, interim storage and transportation, shipping appliance services, recycling pick up & production logistic services. Etc.?江蘇帝景貨運代理有限公司,是國內的專業汽車零部件物流公司,為客戶提供更好的物流服務,為經營理念,致力于汽車供應鏈一體化服務的創新。下轄:一順物流,蘇州一順、重慶一順、成都一順等子公司,業務涵蓋水運,貿易貨代,倉儲運輸,器具服務,循環取貨,生產物流等領域。