深圳派特森教育集團是一家專業從事英語培訓和留學輔導咨詢的教育機構。集團目前在深圳擁有2家分公司和3個分中心,員工兩百余人,是深圳一對一英語培訓領導品牌。深圳派特森教育集團堅持國際化的教育理念,上百位外籍教師和中籍教師組成的強大師資陣容,教學經驗豐富,每年培訓數千名學員。經過多年努力,已經發展為以留學英語培訓為主,到幼兒英語培訓、中小學英語培訓、商務英語培訓及留學服務咨詢為一體的教育機構。深圳派特森教育集團在不斷加大課程研發力度的同時,也傾力為學員打造一個優雅舒適的學習環境。各分校均定位于城市的黃金寫字樓,內部設施高檔豪華,雅致舒適,其濃厚的歐美文化氣息滲透在學習中心的每個角落。VIP電子專屬教室、沙龍課個性化教師、多媒體AV ROOM教師和ED線上英語自習室等學習氛圍濃郁,使學員在為優質的環境中享受學習,在緊張的英語沖刺中盡顯悠然自得。ABOUT PATTISONShenzhen Pattison Education Group (SPEG) is an Education Institution specializing in advanced English training and overseas studies counseling. The Group comprises of 2 companies located at 3 different venues in Shenzhen. She currently employs more than 200 people, and is one of the leading brands of one-to-one training in Shenzhen. SPEG adhere to an international philosophy supported by more than one hundred teachers, both native and non-native speakers. Because of this unique academic faculty and many years of experience, SPEG has developed into a top educational institution providing one to one English lessons for both children and adults.