我們是一家成立于美國加利福尼亞州舊金山市,專業從事設計與制造新型環境改良設備的高新技術企業。通過我們富有經驗的專業技術人員的努力,結合我們獨具前瞻的設計理念、先進的生產制造技術以及嚴格的質量要求,已研發生產了多款不同種類、不同功能的空氣凈化設備。設備能對空氣中的有毒有害物質進行凈化及降解處理,以廣泛應用于機場、寫字樓、酒店、商場、火車站、地鐵站、劇院、電影院等共公場所。經由國家及國際部門的檢測證明,我們設計生產的空氣凈化設備能有效的殺滅分布于空氣中的病毒及菌群,還能**地去除空氣中對人體有毒有害的化學物質,達到并高于相關國家及國際凈化標準。我們擁有一批工程師、科學家和相關行業。他們具有化學、機械、政府、法律、環境及建筑工程背景,持續不斷在環境改良領域進行先進技術的開發、研究和市場營銷。我們的客戶及合作伙伴包括眾多世界500強企業,遍布各個行業和領域。US PUREN. INC. 不斷研發更先進、更專業、更環保的空氣凈化設備,面向市場為大眾服務。普恩富特(上海)環境科技有限公司是US PUREN. INC. 設立在中國,專業從事制造與銷售新型環境改良設備的獨資子公司。普恩富特將US PUREN. INC. 的空氣凈化理念帶到中國。公司依托上海優越的地理位置,通過我們勤奮、熱情、專業的技術與服務團隊,將普恩優質的產品和服務提供給中國市場。致力于和客戶間建立起既全面又穩定的合作關系,秉承專業,共謀發展。我們堅信,我們的努力將為中國建筑帶來卓越的空氣凈化產品及優質的環境改善服務。?? Founded in San Francisco, California, U.S. in 1983, US PUREN Inc. has been devoted to the R & D, production and sales of air cleaning and water treatment series products for years. In U.S., the products are mainly sold to municipal and military agents as well as a number of areas involved by Fortune 500 enterprises, and the company has become a globally leading manufacturer and supplier of air cleaning and water treatment products. With professional expertise and sophisticated processing technology, we have realized constant improvement of product quality and brand image. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of US PUREN in China, PURENFORT (Shanghai) Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “PURENFORT”), has inherited the professional and technological accumulations for years, established various professional test labs with the help of the sophisticated supply system and production process of the headquarters, and developed a variety of efficient and intelligent products tailored to the environmental demands in China, which has effectively improved the current conditions of various environmental pollutions of the country. As a professional one-stop service expert in environmental cleaning, PURENFORT introduces green and intelligent cleaning concepts into China , and has gained trust and recognition from customers and partners with efficient products, premium services and great credibility. The company has established comprehensive and stable partnerships with a plurality of high-end brands and is capable of providing flexible product mix and delivering individualized product scheme according to different requirements of customers. In the future, we will continue to provide customers with safer, more reliable and stable products. We hope that PURENFORT will become your trusted brand.