About AxaltaCoating Systems – Celebrating 150 Years in the Coatings IndustryAxalta(NYSE: AXTA) is a leading global company focused solely on coatings andproviding customers with innovative, colorful, beautiful and sustainablesolutions. From light OEM vehicles, commercial vehicles and refinishapplications to electric motors, buildings and pipelines, our coatings aredesigned to prevent corrosion, increase productivity and enable the materialswe coat to last longer. With 150 years of experience in the coatings industry,the 12,800 people of Axalta continue to find ways to serve our more than 100,000customers in 130 countries better every day with the finest coatings,application systems and technology. For more information visitaxaltacoatingsystemsand follow us on WeChat (Axalta2014) and onLinkedIn.艾仕得涂料系統——慶祝進入涂料行業150周年作為一家專注于涂料事業的**企業,艾仕得涂料系統致力于向客戶提供創新、多彩、靚麗和可持續的涂料解決方案。從汽車原廠出產的輕型車輛、商用車輛、修補到電機、建筑及管道領域,我們的產品旨在抵抗腐蝕、提高生產效率并確保涂裝件經久耐用。憑借150年的涂料行業經驗,艾仕得12, 800名員工不斷創新,努力為**130個國家的100, 000多家客戶提供好的涂料、應用系統和科技服務。如需了解更多信息,敬請訪問公司網站axaltacoatingsystems,或關注官方微信公眾號: Axalta2014