濟南舶來鮮食品貿易有限責任公司是加拿大藍海公司BlueOcean (Canada) Foods Ltd. 的兄弟公司,是中國首家以冰海文化為背景、專注銷售進口野生水產品的品牌機構。公司主營捕撈自加拿大純凈無污染、冰冷海域的水產品,包括龍蝦、帝王蟹、銀鱈魚、金槍魚、北極甜蝦、美洲紅蝦、三文魚、北極貝、象拔蚌、鰈魚等。隨著公司主營業務的不斷擴大,優質原生態食品也在不斷豐富,如加拿大楓糖、牛奶、原漿蜂蜜、葡萄籽油、面粉、蔓越莓及藍莓果干、果醬、果汁等。此外,公司代理的加拿大冰酒、葡萄酒系列也備受消費者青睞。? “品質,源自天然”。舶來鮮系列產品健康、營養、安全、美味,堅持“純天然、無污染、高營養、全追溯、可持續”的品質保障,符合國際衛生標準,深得市場的信賴。舶來鮮憑借加拿大藍海公司的鼎力支持,經過多年運營發展,已成為一家集海洋捕撈、船上和陸地急凍、加工、包裝、空運海運、進口報關、物流分裝等多種資源優勢的全產業鏈綜合性企業。為適應市場需求,公司已經在國內開辦了多家加拿大進口海鮮專賣店。??? 現階段公司面向全國誠招區域代理商和特約經銷商,攜成熟的經營理念和獨特的商業模式,為加盟商提供項目分析,當地市場調研、選址咨詢、店面運營、產品配送、管理培訓等全流程服務,與合作伙伴們分享商機,共赴財富之巔。?Jinan Bolaixian Foods Trade Co., Ltd. is the Great China brother company of Blue Ocean (Canada) Foods Ltd. We are the first company in China to center around the deep icy sea culture and to specialize in the sales of imported wild seafood. Our main products are premium-quality, all natural, pollutant-free seafood from the Canadian deep sea - including wild lobster, king crab, sablefish, tuna, coldwater shrimp, B.C. spot prawn, salmon, arctic surf clam, geoduck, and dover sole etc. As the Company's core business continues to grow, our high quality product lines have expanded to include Canadian maple syrup, milk, natural honey, grape seed oil, flour, dried cranberries and blueberries, organic jam, and fruit juice. In addition, we have added Canadian ice wine, red and white wine series, which are extremely popular among consumers.?“Perfect Quality, All Natural Origin.” Bolaixian’s products are healthy, rich in nutrients, safe, and delicious. They reflect our unrelenting focus on "all natural, pollutant-free, highly nutritious, traceable, and sustainable" food sources. With such quality guarantee and strict adherence to international food safety standards, our products have been trusted by millions of consumers.?With the support and resources from the brother company, Blue Ocean (Canada) Foods Ltd., Bolaixian has developed over the years into a vertically integrated enterprise that boasts in-house capabilities in fishing, instant freezing, processing, packaging, shipping, importing and custom clearing, and distribution. In response to strong market demand, we have opened multiple Bolaixian Imported Seafood retail stores in China.?To better serve our ever-increasing consumer base, Bolaixian is currently looking for regional agents and franchised dealers across the country. With a unique business model and experienced operational practices, Bolaixian can provide partners a full suite of support services, ranging from project evaluation, market research and analysis, and location choice consultation, to storefront operations, product distribution, and management training. We look forward to sharing business opportunities with our partners and embarking together on a growth journey.