ACTIONPARK THE WORLDWIDE LEADING GROUP !ACTIONPARK OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE !ACTIONPARK OVER 300 PROJECTS WORLDWIDE !ACTIONPARK PROJECTS IN 47 COUNTRIES !ACTIONPARK集團打造風靡**且無可比擬的室內外水世界,好萊塢特效影視樂園,休閑主題度假勝地為己任。我們在**范圍內締造為振奮且愉悅人心,**盈利的主題公園為使命,專注于為游客傾力獨創具創造力,富創新性的專屬娛樂體驗!ACTIONPARK所精心打造的主題樂園,不僅僅旨在通過講述一個個樂趣橫生且富有教育意義的故事為每位游客帶來銘記于心的體驗,營造終身寓教于樂的娛樂氛圍。同時,ACTIONPARK也將憑借其特有高科技技術為每一位游客創建一個優美怡人的健康游樂環境。ACTIONPARK集團正以其獨具一格的娛樂分格與強勁實力向亞洲市場震撼進軍!ACTIONPARK is Europe's market leader and the worldwide number one industrial group for indoor waterparks withown factories in Euope producing turn key ready theme and entertainment parks of the size of Disnelyland. ACTIONPARK produced and operates over 300 parks and projects worldwide, and has 40 years of experience in this industry operating in mote than 47 countries. ACTIONPARK entered the CHINA market in 2016 and has several park projects in the PRC in different stage of project.ACTIONPARK is now enlarging nits Shanghai China Team and in the process to hiring top qualifies business development, top designers and project managers with track record of having worked on important park projects or for leading industry players such as Disney, Universal or similar.