恒仕獵頭(上海恒仕商務咨詢有限公司)是一家專業的獵頭服務咨詢公司,主要服務于在華的世界五百強企業與的本土企業。業務范圍涵蓋上海、北京、成都、青島、蘇州、南京、深圳等全國二十多個城市。H.S. Talent Consulting Co., Ltd. is a leading headhunting service organization with main target markets covering and branches set in such cities as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Wuhan, Qingdao, Suzhou, Nanjing and Shenzhen etc., serving global top 500 enterprises and domestic enterprises.我們以誠信、務實、專注的精神作為自己的立足之本,嚴格按照國際慣例及市場規則,**地為我們的客戶成功推薦了大量人才,也為我們的人才獲得了更好的職業發展機會。We take integrity, pragmatic and concentration as our cornerstone and strictly follow international convention and market rules. We have recommended many excellent talents to our customer and paved the road of better development for our recommended talents.我們重視企業與求職者的結合,為企業嚴格甄選合適人才。同時,針對不同風格的企業與行業用專業化的細分方案與解決方案來提供更周到、更卓越的服務。We always value perfect match of enterprise and job candidate and select proper personnel for enterprises. Meanwhile, we shall formulate specified plan or solutions according to enterprises and industries they belong to provide more considerate and better services.