走進創景一、公司簡介四川創景國際旅游有限公司成立于2010年,是中國首屈一指的從事奢華旅游、商務和會議定制的綜合性服務公司。公司一直堅持“專業、真誠、用心”的服務理念,長時間以來也用出色的服務,贏得了客戶的高度認可。公司目前擁有注冊注冊會員四千多名,為超過一萬人完成私人定制服務,遍布了**的每一個角落。公司主要業務范圍:定制VIP精品線路、代辦簽證、預定酒店和機票、婚禮策劃、活動策劃、會議會展策劃、世界各地高爾夫球場、球賽預定、高爾夫旅游定制等。二、業務簡介旅游定制部:為客戶量身打造佳旅游線路,并幫助客戶處理簽證、機票、酒店、用車等相關事宜。目前公司的旅游線路遍布**,在歐洲、亞洲、美洲、非洲都有多條精品旅游線路,還有富有特色的海島旅游產品。目前正在開辟南極洲旅游線路。MICE定制部:會議、獎勵旅游、展覽、節事活動的策劃和執行。現已經圓滿完成了三亞福華集團**暨董事會、安納塔拉泰國美食節、三亞文化東方草坪婚禮、六善酒店復活節親子活動、端午節親子活動、啟明星辰年中總結大會等大型會議活動的策劃和執行。高爾夫定制部:高爾夫主題旅游、**高爾夫球場預定、球賽預定等。目前公司在**有七條高爾夫精品旅游線路,和多家高爾夫機構建立了合作關系。婚禮定制部:婚禮場地預定、婚禮活動策劃、蜜月旅行等。除此以外,公司目前正在策劃成都定義奢侈品時尚秀、夏威夷旅游局杯高爾夫球比賽、紅酒品鑒大會等。三、優質資源 為了客戶的旅行體驗,公司集中了**優勢的供應商資源,力爭呈現給客戶一場前所未有的饕餮盛宴。酒店:與**有影響力的多切斯特、BELMOND、ONE&ONLY、AMAN、羅蘭夏朵、四季、SLH、麗思卡爾頓、立鼎世、美高梅、香格里拉、豪生、安納塔拉、六善、萬豪、瑞吉等酒店品牌簽訂了長期合作協議。航空:荷蘭皇家航空、阿提哈德航空、卡塔爾航空、美國航空、美聯航、夏威夷航空、國航、東航、南航、川航等都是我們的長期合作伙伴。旅游局:美國旅游局、澳大利亞旅游局、迪拜旅游局、德國旅游局、新西南旅游局、泰國旅游局、肯尼亞旅游局等。合作企業:**各大旅行社、高爾夫球場;西南地區各大商場、會所等。新媒體營銷平臺:公司目前擁有的新媒體服務平臺有微信服務號(創景旅游)、微信訂閱號(創景旅游咨詢、創景GOLF、創景MICE)、PC網站(www.163u/)、新浪微博(創景旅游),平臺的粉絲數量龐大、互動率高,公司還設置了專門的新媒體營銷部進行平臺的維護和推廣,目前公司正在籌建官方微網站,實現了線上和線下的營銷整合。四、企業榮譽“成都旅游誠信企業”“誠信守約旅行社”“2015-2016年度二十強旅行社”l Simple Introduction Great-expectationsInternational Travel & Tours was established in 2010, is one of the mostpopular companies in China ,which is engaged in luxury private tailormade tours , business tours ,golf tours and MICE.The company has been adhering to the "Professional,Sincere, Delivery" service philosophily , andwon the highly evaluations by the clients all the time. At present, the companyhas more than two thousand registered members, and has helped more than tenthousand people to complete their private orderings. Our clients aredistributed all over the world.Our main business include: private designed VIP travel service,,MICE planning, weddingplanning, global golf courses and matches reservation and golf tours operation .l Main Business Upmarkettourism customizingmaking the besttravel routes for customers , and helping customers to deal with the visa, airtickets, hotels , car and other related ground service. At present, thecompany's traveling itineraries cover Europe, Asia, the Americas,Australia andAfrica.There are a number of boutique traveling itineraries,meanwhile there arevery characteristic island leisure travel products. The Antarctic touristroutes are currently being opened.MICE planning Planning andimplementing the meetings, incentive tours , exhibitions, festival activities.We have successfully completed the first session of the general meeting ofshareholders of Sanya Fuhua, Anantara Thai food festival, Sanya orientalculture lawn wedding,Easter parent-child activities of liushan Hotel, DragonBoat Festival parent-child activities, etc.Golf CustomizingGolf theme tours globalgolf courses and game booking, etc. At present, the company has seven Golf boutiquetravelingitineraries in the globalworld, and established a cooperative relationships with a number of golfinstitutions.Wedding planning Wedding venuebooking, wedding planning, honeymoon travel customizing , etc.In addition. The company is planning a luxury fashionshow in Chengdu, Hawaii Tourism Authority cup golf tournament, high-level winetasting conference.l High Quality ResourcesIn order toprovide the customer a perfect travel experience,the company centered the mostdominant global supplier of resources, and strive to give customers anunprecedented feast.Hotel: Dorchester, BELMOND, ONE&ONLY, aman,Roland summer flowers, four seasons, SLH, Ritz Carlton, Dingshi, MGM, ShangriLa, Howard Johnson, Anantara, six good, million a person of extraordinarypowers, St. Regis and signed a long-term cooperation agreement.Aviation: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, ATI Etihad,Qatar Airways, American Airlines, United Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, AirChina, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Sichuan Airlines etc..Tourism Bureau:the United States Bureauof tourism, the Australian Tourism Bureau, the Dubai Tourism Bureau, the GermanTourism Bureau, the new southwest Tourism Bureau, Thailand Tourism Bureau,Kenya Tourism Bureau, etc..Cooperativeenterprises: the world's major travel agencies, golf courses ,the majorhigh-level shopping malls of the southwest region, clubs, etc..New mediamarketing platform: companynow has new media service platform, micro channel service number (Chuangjingtravel), micro channel subscription number (Chuangjingtravel advisory, Chuangjing golf, Chuangjing mice), PC website(www.163u/), Sina Weibo (Chuangjing travel) , the platform have alarge number of fans and the interaction rate very high. The company also setup a new media marketing department to maintenance and promotion. At present,the company is planning to build official micro site, to achieve the online andoffline perfect marketing integration.l Enterprise honor"Chengdutourism integrity enterprise""Good faithtravel agency""2015-2016annual top twenty travel agencies"