??公司簡介威賽能源系統(蘇州)有限公司位于國家級高新技術開發區-蘇州高新區獅山工業廊.公司提供OEM/ODM等一體化電源系統整體解決方案,產品包括電池包(batterypack),充電器(charger),智能控制系統(electronic module),及相關電子產品組裝,產品運用于各種無繩產品,如新能源電動自行車、小家電、家用電器,吸塵器、電動工具,園林工具,無人機,以及各種戶外產品。公司擁有多項專利,管理及研發團隊均來自于深圳,上海,蘇州的電源系統公司,有多年專業經驗與能力,能有效地對客戶的需求提出解決方案,擁于研發,測試,智能制造和**交貨的綜合能力..公司擁有多年研發的獨有的電池包和充電器的全自動智能生產線.實現高精度(0.01V)電池壓差控制,結合多達三十五項的質量控制確保電源產品的持久安全. 公司同國內外電池公司擁有良好的合作關系,結合專業的電源系統設計,智能化全自動化制造,為客戶提拱合理設計,穩定質量,優價格,快速響應的專業服務.Company profile:Winscien Energy systems (suzhou) co., LTD is located in nationalhigh-tech development District - Suzhou Shisan Industry Zone of Suzhou high-techDistrict. We provide OEM/ODM integrated power supply system total solution, productsinclude battery pack , charger, intelligent electronic module and relatedelectronic products assembly, products used in all kinds of wireless products,such as new energy electric bicycles, household appliances, vacuum cleaner, power tools, garden tools, drone as well asall kinds of outdoor products.Company has several patents; management and R&D team arefrom Shenzhen, Shanghai, Suzhou first-class power and power supply company. Theyall have many years professional experience and ability, can effectively givetotal solution for customer demand, and have strong R&D, testing, intelligentmanufacturing and global supply chain capability.We have unique know-how battery pack and charger intelligentautomatic production line. With high precision (0.01 V) voltage control, and upto 35 items of quality control to ensure power supply products last safety.