橡果科技輪胎有限公司是一家集汽車輪胎產品研發、銷售及服務于一體的現代化企業。ShinegoTyre Technology Co., Ltd is a modern enterprise involved in tyre productR&D, sales and services. 公司注重產品開發與技術研發工作,擁有的專業化輪胎產品研發團隊,在持續創新與適應市場發展的意愿驅動下,已開發多個自主品牌。橡果科技秉承創新設計理念,擁有輪胎技術,立足產品質量,致力于為中國及**用戶提供優質的高性能輪胎,使橡果輪胎成為**用戶優先選擇。橡果科技是雪地胎研發的頂級,有一支具有嚴謹的工作作風和先進的輪胎技術的國際化團隊。其團隊成員具有豐富的輪胎結構設計、配方設計及工廠管理方面的經驗。We are professional in tyre productdevelopment and technology research. With the aspiration of continuousinnovation and to address the changing market demands, our own R&D grouphas developed a number of independent brands. With the philosophy of innovativedesign and top tyre technology, based on product quality, we are devoted to providesuperior high performance tyres to users in and abroad. To become your priorityselection is our ultimate aim and pursuit. Especially, Shinego is the topexpert for winter tyres, with a team of international standard who are featuredwith advanced tyre technology and a precise style. Team members are all experiencedin tyre structure design, compound design, and factory management. 公司自成立以來,始終堅持“以客戶為中心、以市場為導向”的經營原則,以滿足甚至超越消費者的需求為目的,深刻洞察輪胎市場發展趨勢,準確把握市場供需現狀,至今已研發百余種輪胎產品以適應不同客戶的需求。同時,公司秉承“創新輪胎營銷標準”的企業使命,深刻了解客戶需求,注重銷售渠道建設與維護,致力于以精準的銷售渠道、更高的效率實現佳營銷成本,佳銷售速度。Since establishment, we have been insisting thebusiness principle of customer-centric,market-oriented. With the aim to satisfy customer, we are alwaysconcentrating on the market development, supply & demand situation. So far,we have developed more than 100 tyre series to meet the various requirements ofour partners. Meanwhile, with the enterprise mission of tyre marketing standard innovation, we are also paying attention tothe distribution channel building and maintenance, devoted to more accurate channel,better marketing effectiveness. 公司堅持“手牽手的信念,心與心的長征”的服務理念,努力構建更科學更完善的汽車輪胎產品銷售服務體系;公司以長征精神為指導,為履行“讓所有汽車行駛更安心、更放心”的企業責任而不懈努力。Holding theservice philosophy of hand in hand, heartto heart, we are making great efforts to build a more scientific and betterservice system for all kinds of tyres. With the spirit of long march, we are alwayson the way to make your driving more reliable and more comfortable. 橡果愿與您一路相隨、相伴!Shinego will bewith you all the way!