赫茲國際租車成立于1918年,是**大和知名的租車品牌,在**150多個國家擁有8,800 家門店(其中2,000家在世界繁忙的機場)。赫茲的租車網絡遍及北美、歐洲、澳大利亞,新西蘭,亞洲(包括中國),拉丁美洲和非洲。眾多車型多達75萬輛,一定有一款車適合您!赫茲眾多車型包括轎車,商務車,四輪驅動SUV,敞篷跑車,甚至皮卡以及各種豪車,應有盡有,讓赫茲在市場競爭中脫穎而出。此外,赫茲還提供獨特的產品和服務,如Hertz Gold PlusRewards 金卡會員服務,讓您享受世界上方便快捷的租車服務。“永不迷路”GPS車載衛星導航在每一個路口為您精準導航,赫茲在北美及澳洲新西蘭都提供中文GPS導航,更有24小時救援服務為您的自駕之旅保駕護航!SIRIUS XM衛星收音機讓您的旅途不再寂寞。赫茲**多數門店已接受中國駕照 — 為方便中國旅客租車,赫茲在美國、加拿大、歐洲、澳大利亞、新西蘭和亞洲(韓國和日本除外)的柜臺現已接受中國駕照,但需要同中國駕照英文認證書同時使用。預訂或咨詢,請撥打赫茲電話400 921 1138或登錄 www.hertz。Founded in 1918, Hertz isthe world’s largest and most popular car rental company, with more than 8,800locations (2,000 airport locations) and 750,000 vehicles in more than 150countries worldwide. Hertz is the number one airport car rental brand in theU.S. and at 111 major airports in Europe, operating both corporate and licenseelocations in cities and airports in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia,Australia and New Zealand. The Company also has licensee locations in citiesand airports in Africa and the Middle East.Product and service initiatives such as Hertz Gold Plus Rewards ,NeverLostin-car GPS system, SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio, and unique cars and SUVs offeredthrough the Company's Prestige, Adrenaline and Green Traveler Collections, setHertz apart from the competition.Hertz Worldwide LocationsAccept China Driving License Now! – Hertz counters in the USA, Canada, Europe,Australia, New Zealand and Asia (except Japan and Korea) now accept ChinaDriving License when it is accompanied by an English Certificate issued by Hertz Chinaoffice. Please contact Hertz formore information at 400 921 1138 or www.hertz