維博爾公司簡介:德國維博爾(VIBRA SCHULTHEIS) 振動和工藝技術有限公司成立于1948年,是國際知名的振動輸送設備制造商和供應商,擁有雄厚的技術實力、先進的制造設備和廣泛的客戶群。公司主要產品系列有:振動輸送機、振動篩、振動冷卻螺旋輸送機(或提升機)、振動流化床干燥機/ 冷卻機、振動電機、振動臺和IBC 卸料站等。自公司成立以來我們一直專注于振動技術的開發和振動輸送設備的制造。在六十多年的發展歷程中,維博爾以出色的技術革新在業界贏得了非常良好的聲譽,并在世界范圍內成為眾多化工、塑料、醫藥、食品等知名企業的長期合作伙伴。維博爾振動技術(上海)有限公司是德國維博爾振動和工藝技術公司的全資子公司,全面負責中國區域的業務開發、市場營銷、技術支持、售后服務和備品備件等工作。VIBRA Introduction: VIBRA located in Germany, an international famous vibrating equipment manufacturer and supplier was founded in 1948, owning the powerful vibratory technologies and extensive experiences, providing advanced vibrating systems/equipment to clients throughout the world.The main scope of our supplies includes but not limited to Vibrating Conveyors, Screening Machines, Spiral Cooling/heating Conveyors, Fluid-bed Dryer/Coolers, Vibrating Motors, Electromagnetic Vibrators, Vibrating Tables, Container Discharge Stations.Since the first day of its establishment, VIBRA is focusing itself on the research and development of vibration technologies and manufacturing the best quality vibrating equipment/systems. During the more than 60 years of development, VIBRA SCHULTHEIS has earned an excellent reputation for innovation and developed into an internationally recognized partner of the chemical, plastics, pharmaceutical and food industriesVIBRA Vibration Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned enterprise of VIBRA Germany; and is responsible for the business development, marketing, technical support, after-sales services and spare parts throughout China.