ISSeafood started as a dream 20 years ago on the deck of a fishing boat off thecoast of Iceland. Our founder and CEO, Birgir Stefansson grew up in the seafoodindustry and knew from a young age that he wanted to build a company that woulddeliver quality Icelandic seafood to the world.Nowa reality, IS Seafood is changing the way seafood is sold in China. Ourprocess starts in the cold, clear waters around Iceland with the day’s freshestcatch of all natural, 100% wild seafood and ends in a delicious meal. Inbetween we cut no corners. We add no additives. We never sell double frozenfish. We employ a network of industry leading cold chain logistics specialistsand use state of the art processing and packaging techniques. Finally, we havemade a huge investment in inventory to insure that we are always ready todeliver on time, every time.Weare proud to put our name behind our seafood because we know we have done allof the little things that are essential to delivering quality. We hope that youtoo will discover our passion for excellence and make IS Seafood your firstchoice when choosing to buy seafood.